Why Small Agile Scrum Teams Work Better

Posted on 08.21.2019
Written by Mary Sullivan

If you rely on big systems, you’re missing the point

Agile development is consistently at the forefront of workflows across various industries. Change is centralized at the core of agile development. Possessing the ability to move quickly in response to change is imperative. This rapid response can often get lost in translation across various teams across an organization. That’s why, when considering the size of your agile teams, scrums work better for smaller-sized agile teams. In this post, we will review the advantages of scrum for small teams.

scrums for small teams

Large, establish system integrators can appear to be an efficient solution. It may feel easier to institute a technology solution instead of allowing time and effort to transition to new methods of development. Agile development is the new normal, regardless of industry or the size of the team. Don’t prolong your inevitable switch, transition to agile development today as your teams begin to grow. 

Why put a band-aid on a broken system?

Today, smaller-sized scrum teams are utilizing agile development to work faster, smarter. It can cumbersome and frustrating to work with multiple users across various departments on the same projects. Regardless of team role, breaking projects down within an agile software platform, like Jira, allows heightened visibility and increased accuracy among scrum team members.

Jira Scrum

With Portfolio for Jira, users can segregate the same issue across multiple boards. The specific issue will remain the same across all boards, allowing readers consistency when advancing projects. Separating issues based on the task of the team looking at them across various boards prevents errors from perpetuating problems across various boards. This will help to advance the most accurate solutions when developing projects within Portfolio for Jira. 

Portfolio for Jira
Jira provides clarity throughout all stages of the workflow process, optimizing efficiency for you and your users.

Understanding your teams’ perspective is essential when scaling agile development. Multiple moving parts across the various stages of projects can prevent progress in reality. Creating smaller sub-divisions of agile teams across projects can transform your workflows. The same data points are leveraged against various activities while promoting consistency and accuracy, without the added frustration of various users continually manipulating data. 

Learn how you can benefit from agile development, across your enterprise to work smarter and faster. Oxalis has a wealth of expertise leveling agile across various industries within organizations of varying team sizes. We understand what it takes to find the right framework for your agile teams. We are ready to help when you need it, so why wait? We offer Jira consulting services and a full range of technology consulting services to help you scale.

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