The Challenge
Mineral needed to get their primary revenue generating application to the cloud fast. The business was about to scale dramatically and needed to be move fast to set the stage for the fast approaching uptime requirements, expansion, and partnerships. Oxalis was engaged to assess, architect, and migrate Mineral monolith code base to AWS services and resilient cloud architecture so that the business could proceed with revenue generating partnerships.
Previous efforts had failed and something needed to be done.

Our Approach
Oxalis is skilled with charting the path forward for complex technology migration and then delivering results. The following steps were taken:
Services we provided
The Outcome
It starts with the business challenge. Our team moves quickly to define the challenge and start executing a robust plan forward. The results for Mineral were clear. They now have a fully scalable cloud architecture, faster path to deployments, additional revenue opportunity, and a future development state that leverages advanced AWS capabilities to fully do region to region failover, and a full micro-service strategy going forward.
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